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CIVILIAN: A Marine architect?

okay everyone... This is one of two videos from a dark time in Dirk and my life. We thought it might be a good idea of let a former model do some filming for us in New England. We told him to find the guys, film them, then send it to us. we told him we liked military guys... enjoy Oh ya, about the model... Marc Bones A.K.A. Bones A.K.A. Marc. Whatever. He is so fucking nervous he looks like the meth is wearing off and he thinks he's a ripped Marine Corps. Architect. Ya, I'm sure they exist to some extent. No, no they don't. If the military needs an architect, the hire what's called a DOD contractor. Someone forgot to write that in the script. Cool name though bro

Date Added: November 19, 2019


23 min of video


Rating: 5.0/5.0

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